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The 150 Psalms are authored by many known and unknown Bible Characters. Seventy three Psalms are authored by King David.  Asaph the choir director of David’s time authored twelve Psalms. Twelve Psalms are assigned to sons of Korah, two to Solomon and one to Moses. The writing of Psalms covers a period from 1490 B.C, days of Moses to 444 B.C, days of Ezra.  Scholars have divided the 150 Psalms into to five books representing the first five books of the Bible. Psalms 1-41, represent Genesis and they are personal and deal with the fall of man and his restoration. The second book covers Psalms 42-72 and represents Exodus and deal with deliverance and devotional in nature. The third book covers Psalms 73-89 and represents Leviticus and deals with sanctuary and worship. The fourth book covers Psalms 90-106 and represents Numbers and deals spiritual and earthly blessings.


The fifth book covers Psalms 107-150 and represents Deuteronomy and shows the importance of the Word of God and prophetical in nature.  In these divisions we see the analogy, content and blessings of God’s dealing with his people. May God open our eyes to see the wondrous truths about God from his Word!  I pray that this devotional study on Psalms would motivate us in our pilgrim journey to love and serve Christ.

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